Piece O' Land

A Blog About Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing has been a lot of fun for me. This blog chronicles my journey from initial prep work and analysis to taking the leap into real estate investing and beyond. Also, blogging as a creative outlet helps me focus on my day job rather than thinking about my next investment. I hope my stories, tips, and tools help you along your path as well!

How Not to Patch A Hole in the Wall

How Not to Patch a Hole in the Wall

This is the story of how not to patch a hole in the wall. There are a zillion videos showing you how to patch a hole in the wall and I watched several of those zillion. However, my end...

Beginning the Search For My First Property

Beginning the Search for My First Property

As it turns out, looking at everything everywhere all the time for your first rental property is not possible with a family and a day job. I will cover the “how” (tools and websites I used)...