Piece O' Land

A Blog About Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing has been a lot of fun for me. This blog chronicles my journey from initial prep work and analysis to taking the leap into real estate investing and beyond. Also, blogging as a creative outlet helps me focus on my day job rather than thinking about my next investment. I hope my stories, tips, and tools help you along your path as well!

Understanding Mortgage Points and Credits

Understanding Mortgage Points and Credits

Once you’ve got a house under contract, it’s time to evaluate mortgage rates including mortgage points and credits across lenders. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as it seems at first...

How to Acquire Mortgage Pre-Approval

How to Acquire a Mortgage Pre-Approval

After I decided to make an offer, it was time to work on acquiring a mortgage pre-approval letter. This is probably a good thing to do even before you head out to the field looking at...

Deciding on an Investment Property

Deciding on an Investment Property

This next step in my journey was deciding on an investment property. I finally pulled the trigger on a trip to see some nearby properties. The trip cost me a bit of “husband capital” since...