Piece O' Land

A Blog About Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing has been a lot of fun for me. This blog chronicles my journey from initial prep work and analysis to taking the leap into real estate investing and beyond. Also, blogging as a creative outlet helps me focus on my day job rather than thinking about my next investment. I hope my stories, tips, and tools help you along your path as well!

Finding a Tenant

Finding a Tenant

You’ve got your first rental property, now you need to learn more about finding a tenant. What good is your property and all of those cash flow projections without a tenant to pay that cash...

How to Create a Lease

How to Create a Lease

Learning how to create a lease should be high on your list if you’re well down the path of purchasing your first investment property. There are many things to do before closing on an...

Estimating Rent for Your Rental Property

Estimating Rent for Your Rental Property

Estimating rent is one of the most important aspects of real estate investment analysis. When you’re building your cap rate and cash on cash return estimates, income is a major part of the...

Is There a Housing Bubble

Is There a Housing Bubble?

Is there a housing bubble? There is plenty of chatter comparing the recent increases in housing prices to the housing bubble that kicked off “The Great Recession” in 2008/2009. Back then...

Multifamily Analysis

Multifamily Analysis

Multifamily analysis is a different beast than investing in single family homes. The analysis is easier in some ways, but more difficult in others. In this post I’m going to cover how I run...

Closing on an Investment Property

Closing on an Investment Property

I finished closing on an investment property; my first one! It was a whirlwind of an experience. It was kind of a disaster. From the coordination and timing of the close itself all the way...